Modern World History

Reminder: code: 999dgj   email me for this please

Modern World HistoryWeek from 10/3 to 10/6
HW dues Wednesday
New Project announced 10/4 due 10/13
Quiz 10/6 on Renaissance. (notecards handed out 10/4)

Project Due 9/27

Pick one of your 10 six word memoirs and turn it into a creative masterpiece
like the examples we saw in the video/ in class
(ideas include using photographs, magazine cutouts, your own drawings, images you find online, etc.)
You will be graded on effort, originality, and creativity so produce something that really represents you! ...
Value: 80 points
USE ______ TO EXPLAIN______ w/ Mini Paragraph prompts
DUE: Sep 20, 2011
USE __ to Explain ___ (TITLE)

Underline 4 sentence starters
Add a 5th sentence (anywhere)- free for all
9/20 Tuesday
15 points (tool/structures)

Week of 9/12:
Discussion of 9/11
What is important in History?
Writers toolbox/workshop.
HW: Out of class writing activity


Watch the full episode. See more PBS NewsHour.


First Day Sheet

Cinnaminson Township High School
Mr. Campbell Modern World History  Edmodo code: j999dgj
ROOM 156                                                                                                                       
4 Basic Questions we need to answer:
                           1) Who is this guy?
                                    2) What is this class about?
3) What does he expect from me?
4) How are grades calculated?
5) Closing thoughts.
1)    We will discuss this one.

2)     This class is a new elective to C.H.S. and a new course for the instructor. This class allows us to study the evolution of our world from the Middle Ages through the Cold War.  This course fulfills a requirement for graduation.

3)    Expectations are rather simple- you can:
A)   Bring your notebook – it should be able to hold handouts that you receive.
B)    Leave your book at home!
D)   Have your pencil/pen with you.
E)    Arrive on time to class.
F)    Grab a warm-up and get to work.
G)   Do not pack-up and/or leave until dismissed by the bell.
H)   Expect to be challenged everyday!
I)     Treat each other with respect and dignity

4)    Every student is concerned with his or her grades.  Every assignment will be assigned a point value.  All assignment values will be announced when the task is assigned.  The value of each assignment will depend on material covered, time allotted, effort expectations and class significance.  Students will earn points on each assignment and that number of points will be compared to the possible points as a fraction. 
A)   Grade = Points Earned/Possible Points
B)    Late work is a discipline issue first and foremost.
C)   Plagiarism is a severe concern in this course – that applies to everything from HW to projects to Tests.

5)    A few thoughts before we move forward:
A)   We may have to adjust as we go along- therefore this sheet can be amended.
B)    If you miss class for any reason you must get the assignments missed from a classmate or the teacher.  Web tools will be a huge assistance for this!
C)   If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to approach me.  If you have a problem with a grade or are confused on any point, please ask.